Thursday, May 24, 2018

My House Guest went Back Home

My little cat friends, Pumpkin and Prince, are back home with their mom.  I am going to miss the little guys.  We had a lot of fun.

The biggest surprise, which I still can't get over, is the fact that Maggie was good.  She wasn't perfect,  but she impressed me, none the less.  I only reprimanded her a couple of times each day.  Most of the time, I could leave their bedroom door open to give them access to the hall and other bedroom.  Maggie would just sit by the screen and often times, I would see her wagging her tail.

Prince was needy, and it sounds like he is usually needy at home, too.  He would meow for me.  Now, he is a huge cat--but he has a tiny meow.  I think he would be happiest with a person to sit and pet him 24 hours a day.  He loves treats, too.  That came in handy.  When I would try to pet Pumpkin, Prince would often interfere.  I thwarted him by throwing him treats, one by one, to keep him busy so I could talk to Pumpkin.

Pumpkin is just as adorable now as he was last fall--just bigger.  Wow, can he purr!  One pet, and he bursts into purrs.  He likes his belly rubbed--such a little belly compared to Prince!  His favorite thing was exploring.  He just loved to wander around their wing of the house.  Good thing Maggie was guarding the gate, or he would have been wandering around the whole house.

Pumpkin's favorite spot to sleep was the bed.  Prince liked a pink cat bed that was too small for him.  He overflowed over the sides.  Every time I would peek in during their nap times, that is where he would be.  His mom says he has one at home and never uses it.  Cats can be so contrary!

Thunder liked to watch them from afar.  A couple of times, I caught him growling at Prince, but he didn't seem to mind Pumpkin at all.  After the first day, Thunder did relax, and when he wasn't watching them, he was going bout his ordinary activities.

I, of course, was making sure he got as much attention as ever.  I would take turns between them.  It was busy for me, but I had so much fun with them all that I didn't mind.  Since Maggie was so good, it was relatively easy, too.  Thanks, Maggie!

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