Monday, August 3, 2020

2020 Tevis Cup

2020 Tevis Cup

One of the dreams that I always had but could never come true was to ride Cruiser in the Tevis Cup.  It is an Endurance Ride that is 100 miles in a day.  It fascinated me from way back when I was a child and first read about it.  Once I got Cruiser, I knew I had a horse that would be perfect for it.  Cruiser was an amazing horse.  He could trot all day and was never tired.  The more consecutive days I rode him, the faster he got.  He just loved to go and go and go.  (Stopping was a different story.)

He was a Morab but was registered as a Half Arab.  The papers that I received when I bought him only listed his sire and dam.  One day, I found his sire listed on All Breed Pedigree, and I learned why he was the way he was.  He was bred for it.  Arabians excel in distance riding in general, but his sire had some of the best endurance lines out there.  Cruiser was an endurance horse.

The ride is in California, so even if I was able to afford a trailer and the even more expensive truck to pull it, the logistics of an event in California were beyond me.  This had to remain just a dream.

Every year, I read all about the ride.  I followed bloggers who wrote about it, read accounts of their rides, rooted for the Morabs, (there were always a couple,) and on the day of the ride, I would go on my own ride.  We would go 10 miles or so, and I would imagine that we were riding the Tevis Cup.  I don't think I ever told Ellen about it; even when she was on the ride with us.  It was just a private joy that I shared with Cruiser.

Cruiser has been gone for years, now, but I still miss him.  

Well, I found out that they cancelled this year's Tevis Cup due to Covid-19.  Instead, they changed it into an virtual ride.  It is now 100 miles in 100 days, and you just do it--wherever.  I signed up Ellen and myself.  It is only $65.00 and the proceeds go to maintaining the trail.  This is so awesome!  Oh, and we will get a t-shirt, too.

Since I ride nearly every day, it isn't much of a challenge for me, but I am still a part of something I always wanted to do.  I am riding in the Tevis Cup.  Over 1,000 competitors from all over the world are participating--we are all out there--doing what we love.

I only wish I could have been doing it with Cruiser.  I sure do miss him.  Cole is a fine second choice.

Anyone who wants to join me, here is the website.  Though it has already started, you can still sign up.

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