Monday, March 30, 2020

My Toad

Last week, first thing in the morning when my brain was still a little groggy, I heard a chirping noise in the house.  I thought it was in the house, but maybe it was outside.  Thunder and Maggie ignored it, but maybe it was because they were waiting for their breakfasts.  I fed them and forgot all about it.

A couple days later, I heard it again.  This time I was more awake.  I thought maybe there was a bird near the window, looked out and saw nothing.  A few days later, it happened again.  I was very perplexed.

Sunday, I heard it one more time, but this time it was very close and I could tell exactly where it was coming from.  I peeked into one of my houseplants and saw this little guy burrowed in.  He is just an ordinary toad, but he was my toad.  He must have been living in the house plants last summer. The plants are outside in the summer, and I bring them inside for the winter.  Honestly, I don't like houseplants, but since most of them were my mother's, who loved her plants, I keep them. He must have been hibernating in my house all winter long.

I brought the plant outside.  Fortunately, it was a warm day.  I heard a toad chirping this morning close to the house.  I hope it was him.

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