Thursday, October 18, 2018

His Favorite

His Favorite

With the cooler weather, the horses--particularly Cole have been much friskier.  He is living up to his name, Smokin' Cole Train!  The other day, my sister and I were trotting along.  Her slow horse, Dante, was in the lead.  Things were going great, then I think Cole may have gotten hit by a falling acorn.  I suddenly felt him sink low in the hindquarters and he dashed forward at a gallop.

Sigh...A Cole burst is one thing, but why this?

Dante is very reactive whenever another horse does something sudden.  He is afraid when they merely swish their tails at him.  Well, Cole thundering up behind him set him off running, too.  I wasn't the least bit worried about myself.  The big sister in me kicked in.  I must protect Ellen!

I knew that I had to keep Cole as far away from Dante as I could or my sister would have a very big problem.  Starry was just up ahead.  All we needed was for him to start running, too!  I tried and tried to stop Cole, but he merely slowed down.  By now, he thought this was a fun game and wanted to keep playing.  I did get him to a slow canter, and my sister was able to get control of Dante.

Cole was no longer a threat to her, but he still wasn't stopping.  I was getting frustrated--bending him to the left and then the right.  Ellen then turned around, looked at Cole and said in her sternest "mom" voice, "Cole.  Stop.  Behave yourself."  Wouldn't you know, he did just that.  The funny thing is--this isn't the first time this has happened.  I've written about it, before.  Cole simply adores her.  He always listens to her.  A few days before, Cole was swishing at the bugs, causing Dante to worry.  She told Cole to stop, and he did.

When we leave the barn to go home, I will toss some treats in Cole's dish.  He won't even go to them.  He just stands there and waits for my sister to toss treats in his dish.  Then he eats both sets of treats and thinks they are all from Ellen.  He only h,as eyes for her...

I am sure it is because she isn't the one in charge, telling him what to do and when to do it.  Instead, she says loving things to him and gives him all the best treats!  If I am Cole's mother, she is Cole's grandmother.  She spoils him all she likes and then sends him back to me.

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