Thursday, August 2, 2018

What do I do with all my veggies?

I bet that you are wondering what I do with all my veggies.  Since my garden is big, and I am only one person, that is my annual challenge.

I used to freeze everything--until the great refrigerator disaster of 2015.   My freezer was packed with green beans and lima beans.  The fridge died, and I lost it all.  I bought a new, but smaller refrigerator--which was a good choice.  I am saving $10.00 a month in electricity.  It has nearly paid for itself. 

With less freezer space, I had to get creative.  It was time to use the food dehydrator more seriously.  I already made sun dried tomatoes with it, and I dried my herbs, too.  I added green beans. It turns out that it works great for them.  Peppers do well, too. 

Since I have so much squash this year because I planted it at the barn, I have been drying some of that, too.

I have also made zucchini bread, zucchini marmalade, zucchini sauce that I mix with plain yogurt and tomorrow I am going to try zucchini pickles.  I looked it up online and found a recipe that is just like what I do with cucumbers.  Since I am not getting enough cucumbers this year, that will work great.  I freeze them.

I like to make salsa with all the extra tomatoes and peppers.  I made some today.  I freeze it.

It looks like I am going to have a tremendous year for lima beans.  I will also freeze the excess lima beans.  I like to eat them fresh the best, but I think I will have way too many for just that.

I make a sweet sauce with my tomatillos.  The ground cherries, I just eat them as I pick them.  If I get too many for that, they store a few months at room temperature.  They are amazing.  I use my winter squash to decorate my house until I eat them.  My dry beans just go in jars.

I am eating salads, every day. 

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