Thursday, August 23, 2018

Squash Central

Squash Central

So, Kevin and I planted some seeds that I saved from the squash I grew last year in the big manure piles in the back of the property at the stables.

In spite of the owners of the place systematically destroying the majority of the plants, we have picked around 250 squash.  Most of them we have shared with our fellow barn mates.  The majority of the people have been grilling them.  Some are sauteing them and one person is making terrific soup.  Of course, a few are making zucchini bread.  That includes me.  Kevin appears addicted to it, so I have been giving him a regular supply of chocolate zucchini bread.  I love it, too.

I made zucchini marmalade.  Grated squash is mixed with sugar, crushed pineapple and cloves.  It is now in my freezer.  I had made that in the past.

I also cook it with sugar, cinnamon and raisins in the microwave.  It is great mixed with plain yogurt.

I tried something new with great success--squash freezer pickles!  It wasn't as good as when I made it with cucumbers, but for a year when I don't have that many cucumbers, it is perfect.

Right now, I am trying squash pudding in the crock pot.  It is a total experiment.  I'll let you know how it comes out.

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