Monday, September 23, 2024

Trifecta's Second Trail Ride

 Trifecta's Second Trail Ride

The day after the first trail ride, we decided to do it again.  

He was very hyper, once more.  I led him down the hill, and he did do better than the day before, but his excitement level was high.  Once we got to the bottom, he got even more excited.  I took him right over to out lounging spot and had him do about 5 revolutions at a walk.  That really helped.  I then went to walking him back and forth.  He did very well with that, but after a few times, he swerved over to the mounting block.  He was definitely trying to tell me something.  As I tried to position him, he decided it was him who was supposed to step on the mounting block.  That certainly was creative...

Since he wasn't very cooperative, I decided it was time for a new plan.  I mounted from the ground.  I have done it before with him a few times, and he was just fine.  For added safety, I had Ellen hold the opposite stirrup to keep the saddle from slipping.

We walked back and forth on the trail at the bottom of the hill, and he was very good.  I decided to head to the river.  Ellen started freaking out.  It hadn't rained in a couple weeks, and the slate bottom of the river was very slippery with algae.  She was sure he would rush across, slip and fall.  (This is something that happened with Dante in his early days, so her fear was realistic.)

I conceded, hopped off and led him across the river.  Kevin met us on the other side.  I mounted and we went on a little ride.  Kevin had the lead rope hooked to his halter bridle.   I told him he could unhook it since Kevin was having a hard time keeping up with Trifecta's fast walk, but he was too worried that something would go wrong.  To accommodate Kevin's slower walk, we would take a few steps, stop to let him catch up and repeat.  It worked out.  We didn't go far at all, turned around and headed back.  

I dismounted to ride him across the river, and he refused to go down the bank.  Then he bucked in place.  I really don't know what that was about.  Did he not want to go home?  Did he just not want to walk down the steep bank or was he reluctant to leave Kevin?  It did take him some coaxing to get him started down the bank--and then he went really fast.  He crossed the river with no problem and I led him home.

It really was too hot of an afternoon to do this.  Leading a fast walking horse up a hill was tough, and I kept having to stop and catch my breath.  I decided that I should wait for cooler weather for our next attempt.

The following day, I rode him in the outdoor arena, and we had our best ride ever!

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