Day 1
I couldn't believe it! Trifecta was on his way! It was real! I really bought another horse!
He was projected to arrive late morning, so that meant that Ellen and I would have time for our morning ride. That worked out well, because riding would help pass the time while we waited. Due the the humid conditions, Cole and Dante walked so slowly...Once we started trotting, they were their normal selves, but when we turned around to go home, they were in no hurry. I was. Trifecta was on his way!
We got back, I untacked Cole and put Bella outside while I prepared her medicine. Shari called me in the morning to ask me to do it as she wasn't able to come out and ride with us. She was so bummed out when she found out she wouldn't be there when Trifecta arrived.
I had just turned Bella loose when Ellen yelled, "They're here! They're here!" I ran to the driveway, and Ellen, Kevin and I just stood there in disbelief. This was it. A wonderful woman named Jessica trailered him over. She said he trailered very well. She went in and brought him out. He was more adorable than I remembered. This was Ellen's first time seeing him, and she was dazzled by him. Kevin greeted him like an old friend. I was still in shock.
After pictures, we took him into his stall to give him a chance to unwind. He circled it about a few times, and then started settling down. This horse is quite chill. We talked with Jessica quite a while and then he had to make the 3-hour journey home. Ellen had to go to work, too. I just wanted to hang out.
After a while, I let him outside to see if he would like to roll in the sand, and I wanted to get some more pictures. He was calling to his friends in Pennsylvania and trotted about a bit, but he wasn't frantic. He did get a good roll in. The bugs were bothering him, so I brought him in to rest.
Then it was time for visitors. Everyone wanted to see him, and he welcomed all the pets and attention. I made sure I spent some time with Cole--who is a mama's boy--and he doesn't like me to be far from him. Everyone is worried that he may have trouble coping. Ellen thinks we will need couple's counseling. She has offered to co-parent, and I am suspicious that she plans to take custody...Surprisingly, Cole didn't call out to me that often. I just keep telling him that he is Number One, and Trifecta is Number Three.
Soon, I realized I'd better get home and check on my elderly pets. Maggie needed her walk, and Thunder needed me to tell him I love him at least 47 times.
Later, Kevin took me out to dinner to celebrate the great occasion--and then we went back to the barn to check on Trifecta. When I walked in, he was laying down; sleeping. He jumped up when he saw me. I brought my weight tape from home to get a starting weight on him. I guessed 600 pounds--he came in at 609 pounds. I don't like tapes to measure height, because I always feel that it is hard to be accurate, but I tried anyway. He measured 14.0 hands.
We took him out to let him play, and Kevin took a bunch of pictures. Then we led him around. He leads as well as any of our horses, and he didn't spook at a thing. He seemed slightly nervous and mostly curious about his new surroundings. Most of all, he just seemed to be happy to be with people.
Trifecta is going to be a joy.
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