Monday, March 7, 2022

Cole's Second Trail Ride--and Bella's First Ride

 Cole's Second Trail Ride--and Bella's First Ride

Sometimes, life just gets in the way, and that is why Shari missed our first ride.  Lucky for her, the next morning was a lovely day for a trail ride, too.  We met early, saddled up and away we went.

Cole was very happy to have his friend with him.  There was no crying.  He just marched right after her.

Bella crossed the river first because Cole was busy drinking.  During the big thaw, a couple large rocks moved right in front of our exit ramp.  Bella thought they were river monsters.  Shari got her to walk past them, turned her around and brought her back to look at them.  After Bella relaxed, they went back up the river bank.  All along, Cole was drinking and didn't seem to care one bit what Bella was up to.  I guess he is just used to her antics.

We crossed the river.  It was a little higher than the day before, but it wasn't a problem.  We walked for a little while to see what Bella's mood was like.  Her head was as low as a Quarter Horse--far from the typical National Show Horse that she is.  Shari felt she would be fine if we trotted.

For the most part, she trotted fine.  A few times, we had to stop because she got a little wound up.  I knew when I can see her ears above Shari's shoulders, that she was getting excited.  The great thing is, once we would start to walk, she brought her head right down.

On the last section of trail before the second river crossing, Cole started to get over excited.  I rode him through most of it, but I could feel I was about to lose him, so we came down to a walk before we got to the end.  We turned at the river and walked towards home.  They settled down beautifully, so we were able to do some trotting towards home.

Soon, we heard a piercing, high-pitched neigh!  That could only be one horse--Starry!  He was out on his first trail ride of spring, too.  We caught up with him, and we all went home together.  Kevin said the Starry was a little hesitant about crossing the river, but other than that, he behaved well.  Starry was very happy to see his friends.

Bella looked at the big rocks in the river as if they would jump out and bite her, but she still crossed safely.

Overall, it was probably Bella's best first ride, ever.  

It's going to be a great year.

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