Third Time is a Charm?
Bella, the beautiful, high-energy National Show Horse, had a bad spooking incident with Shari a few weeks ago. They parted ways and both of them got hurt enough that they took a few weeks off from trail riding. We weren't there when it happened. In fact, I haven't ridden with them all year. Circumstances and the weather just didn't cooperate.
That changed Easter weekend. Shari and I had our first ride of the year on Saturday. The river was too high to cross, so we were stuck on the hill--but that actually can be helpful on the first ride, because we can work on demoralization.
Demoralization is what we call doing the hill multiple times. If they are in a hurry to get home--we just do the hill, again.
For our first ride together, we decided that staying at a walk was the best choice. Generally, I feel that we shouldn't trot until they walk well and shouldn't canter until they trot well.
Walking well was a challenge. We spent much time standing until she relaxed. We then would walk some more. Gradually, she settled down and listened to Shari. After 4 trips on the hill, things seemed hopeful.
Our next ride was the next day, Easter Sunday. We thought we would be stuck on the hill, again, but the river surprised us. We were able to cross!!!
We knew we would only be walking, but it was a pretty morning for a walk in the park. Bella didn't have a crazy look on her face. She walked fast and insisted on being in the lead. She did try rushing towards home, but Shari was always able to talk her down. Though she showed some nervousness, there was improvement from the day before. Things were looking up. We figured one more day of consecutive riding would be all she needed.
The following evening, Shari and I met for a ride. The river was now in great shape for crossing. Kevin and Starry were already out on their ride. As we went down the hill, we could see them on the other side of the river; coming home. Cole crossed first, and I was talking to Kevin as Bella crossed. I wasn't watching, but apparently she turned into a crazy horse--trying to run across the river. She charged up the bank. Maybe it was because she saw Starry, but she isn't near as attached to him and Starry is to her. She passed him up with barely a glance. She wanted to go!
Starry went home, and we went on our ride. We trotted short stretches--each time going a little longer. The trotting went fairly well. Bella wanted to go fast, but Shari kept her at a moderate speed. Though Bella was a bit spooky and nervous, she wasn't that bad. Our problems showed up on the way home. She was rushing and anxious to get back. All she wanted to do was trot. Shari was constantly correcting her. And then the spooking! Everything bothered her. She spooked at a falling leaf--that was the kind of mood she was in. Poor Shari. It was an exhausting ride for her. The third ride wasn't a charm. It was the worst ride of the three.
Cole, on the other hand, just walked along behind her--just as he had the whole weekend. He didn't bat an eye at any of Bella's antics. He seems to know that he has to stay quiet and give her space. It's a good thing, too. We don't need him to add fuel to Bella's fire. I don't know if he helps quiet her down, any, but he doesn't make anything worse.
We made it up the hill and dismounted with a sigh of relief. The early rides of spring can be tough, and we just had one of those rides. The good news is that they get better. Bella was a good horse, before, and she will be a good horse, again.
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