Cole doing his silly walk
Friday, April 30, 2021
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Monday, April 26, 2021
Sunday, April 25, 2021
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Friday, April 23, 2021
Thursday, April 22, 2021
My Silly Horse
I took him into the indoor arena to do a trick training session. He loves doing tricks, and since he is a clicker trained horse, there are a lot of treats involved. He will just cycle through all of his tricks, over and over until I run out of treats.
He did silly walk, but he was so excited about doing tricks, he tried to do it while trotting. That looked really weird. I had him settle down by doing a bunch of parking out and bowing. Then he was ready to work on his proper silly walk with me next to his side. We also did it with me in front of him, going backwards with him going forwards. It is a bit trickier because he often just parks out and bows. When we get it right, he will do a few steps first and then do the parking and bowing.
He was too excited to do any lounging--something he doesn't consider a trick but rather work. He kept jumping around and trying to rear. Of course, he used to do that back when I lounged him regularly, too. We decided to skip that.
I asked him to do some trotting in hand without lifting his front legs up high like in silly walk, and he did great--but he was too fast for me. I had to catch my breath, and then meant he got to practice parking and bowing.
I really needed a new trick to work on. Years ago during a very cold winter where I didn't want to ride, I tried to do proper in-hand training. He was actually doing the simple things very well, but then it got warmer and I switched back to riding. I never got to anything advanced. I decided to try a side pass.
Cole side passes very well in the saddle, so that made it an easier task for me.
I pointed my left hand towards the top of his front legs and my right hand towards the top of his back legs--and he immediately took 4 steps away from me in a perfect side pass. I was astounded. Of course, I clicked and treated him. We did it 3 times on his left side and then did 3 times on his right side. He wasn't quite as good on the right on the first attempt, but he was great on the other 2 tries.
I decided to quit there for the day.
The following day, I was going to go for a ride with Ellen. I was saddled up before her, and I took Cole in the indoor arena. He always wants to do his tricks before the ride. I have to do silly walk, park out and 2 different styles of bowing before mounting. I humor him because it makes him happy.
When we finished our routine, he side passed all on his own to show me what he learned, yesterday. He did it perfect. I had forgotten all about our new trick, but he sure didn't. I asked him to do it a couple times in each direction on command. He is such a silly horse.
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Monday, April 19, 2021
Sunday, April 18, 2021
Saturday, April 17, 2021
Friday, April 16, 2021
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Monday, April 12, 2021
Sunday, April 11, 2021
Saturday, April 10, 2021
Friday, April 9, 2021
Thursday, April 8, 2021
Breaking all the Rules
Breaking all the Rules
Ellen broke her first rule--never commit in advance to riding on the trail. It causes all her anxieties to swell to enormous proportions. It is better for her to not plan it--and to just do it. After successfully riding Dante on the trail at the bottom of the hill and her very positive ride in the outdoor arena where she realized that Dante isn't necessarily afraid when his head goes up, she told me she was ready for a trail ride the next time she rides.
I didn't really believe her. I saw the weather forecast. Though the day she planned to ride was going to be warm and sunny, it was going to be followed by a rainy spell. She never wants to go on that first trail ride unless she could follow it up the next few days with more trail rides, so she can keep up her momentum. It makes a lot of sense, but the weather can be so uncooperative in the spring. Between rainy days and a high river, it can be impossible to string 4 consecutive days of trail rides. Just a few days previous, we got more than 3 inches of snow! That's just how springtime is in Cleveland.
Even Kevin thought she wasn't going to ride, so when I called him to say he could meet us on the way back--he didn't have enough time to get ready to do that.
Needless to say, she broke another rule. She won't be able to string a bunch of trail rides together.
She was so nervous at the barn, that I thought she was going to cancel, but she didn't.
Even though she didn't ride Dante the day before, and I wasn't able to get him turned out so he would be tired, she still decided to take him on the trail. She broke yet another rule!
What is going on?
Ellen led Dante along the street and down the hill. She mounted at the river bank and told me to go ahead and cross first. Most springs, I am the first to ride Dante in the park, and he could get sticky on the river crossing. (Though it isn't a rule that I have to ride Dante on the first ride, it is almost a rule--so it is an "almost rule" broken.")
When I got to the other side, I looked back and Dante was already in the water. He crossed the river like the pro that he is. He didn't hesitate at all.
Once we got to the other side, Ellen wanted to do a little trotting. Dante is always better once he trots. He doesn't go that fast, so I mostly walked behind them.
When we got to a better section of the trail where we often canter, Dante kept trotting faster and faster. There was no way I could keep up at a walk, so we trotted along behind them. I was very surprised that she let him trot full out like that. (Was it another broken rule?) When I asked her, she told me she was actually holding him back.
We did some more trotting, and Dante was traveling at a decent speed. As we neared the next river crossing, I saw her signal Dante to canter. I couldn't believe my eyes. They broke another rule.
He cantered lovely and stopped when she asked him to. She said she knew he would settle down if he got to do some cantering. She was right, because we then turned around to go home and he trotted slow and careful the rest of the ride.
What a great ride it was. The whole thing went superb. He was a perfect gentleman when we crossed the river on the way home, though last year he galloped up it when I rode him. I think he likes her better. He was great on the hill, and Ellen broke one final rule--she led him on the street on the way home. She always has me do it the first few times in the spring.
I am so glad she broke almost all of her rules, because we had such a nice ride. Who knows when we will be able to ride across the river again, but when we do, Ellen won't be quite as nervous.
It's going to be a great year for trail riding!
Getting Ready for the Trail
Getting Ready for the Trail
Ellen has come far this winter with Dante in the arena. Now, it was time for them to get back on the trail. She just had to conquer her anxieties--just like she does every spring.
One day, she led him down the driveway and along the road to the trail. I took over from there and led him to the top of the hill, turned him around and brought him home. He was really good. Ellen was thrilled.
The next day, she led him the the trail, again. She handed the reins to me, and I took over. I don't like to lead Dante because he tends to get annoying. He likes to grab at the lead rope or even an arm or hand. I told him to put his head down and keep it there--and he did! I was amazed, and then Ellen told me that I taught him that over the winter. Then, I felt stupid. I did teach him that.
On those icy, cold winter days that Ellen couldn't make it out to see Dante, she asked me to do something with him. Sometimes it was just too cold to ride another horse, so I would lead him around the indoor arena. He was just too obnoxious, and I always believe that if you can make a horse better, you should. With the help of clicker training, I asked him to put his head down. Ellen had already taught him that, but I took it a step further. I wanted him to put his head down and keep it there for a while so he wouldn't bother me.
I used his cue of pointing to the ground and kept my hand in that position. If you do that with Cole, he will do the silly walk. As he was walking with his head down, I chanted "good boy, good boy..."
At first I clicked him for 5 strides. After a while, I increased it. I kept gradually increasing it until we did a full lap. The next day, I got us up to two laps. I even had Kevin do it as a test, and Dante listened. As long as I pointed and kept the chant going, he walked with his head low and still. I worked on it a few more lessons, and then I forgot all about it.
Now, here I was, leading him down the hill--holding his head low and still with an invisible lead rope--my pointing hand. I gave Dante to Ellen, and he did it for her, too. I was simply amazed at how well he did when I taught it to him months ago and never did it again.
When we got to the bottom of the hill, Ellen was going to mount, but she really didn't feel comfortable. I told her just to lead him back and forth until she felt better. There is a short section of flat trail that dead ends. After a few minutes, she was going to mount and just sit there. She was nervous, but she did it! When she looked less tense, I told her to ride him to the end of the trail and turn him around. She did. Then she asked him to walk back to me, and she even went a little past me! After going back and forth a few times, she was ready to go home. She dismounted and led him up the hill. I led him along the street. It was another successful lesson.
The next day, she didn't want to go back to the hill because the park was doing some trail maintenance fixing a river crossing, and she didn't know if they would come to our river crossing. She opted to ride at the barn.
Dante and Ellen are getting really good at riding on the little track behind the barn. In fact, that is getting rather boring. After about 20 minutes, I suggested that she ride in the outdoor arena. It is very large and imposing. She has ridden a little in it, but not enough to get comfortable. In fact, she was very nervous about it. I told her to just do circles by the gate.
The most amazing thing happened. She finally was able to see that Dante isn't always afraid of things when his head goes up. She only learned how to lower his head by maintaining her seat just a few days before, and that is what she was practicing. As she walked around in circles, Dante kept lifting his head up. After all, he was in an unfamiliar place. There was so much to look at. Ellen saw him, over and over, lift up his head and turn his ears back to her. She realized that if he was afraid, his ears would be pointed toward the object of his fear. Dante was looking back to her!
Their circles gradually got larger and larger until she was riding half the arena. I saw her transform from fear to confidence. By the end of her ride, her face was beaming.
Cognitive distortions--it was all about cognitive distortions. Just as a thin anorexic person looks into the mirror and sees a fat image, Ellen saw a frightened horse every time Dante lifted up his head. For the first time, she saw him clearly. He was just begging for treats or attention--or wondering what she was going to do next.
Later that morning, she told me she felt like a weight had been lifted from her. Then, she told me she thought that she might go on a trail ride for her next ride.