Retirement Update
This has been fantastic. I highly recommend it to anyone who can afford it. I haven’t done anything earth shattering, but that doesn’t make any difference.
I have managed to get my first computer in years and Internet, too. I have a handy, little Chromebook--perfect for my needs. I really like it. I can use it as a laptop or a tablet. It has everything that a smart phone has without the phone.
I also got a new mattress for the first time, ever. The stairs to my bedroom are circular, and it was a major endeavor to get the mattress and boxspring up them. We had to take half of the stairs apart and hoist them up. My brother and nieces helped out. I can’t believe the difference it has made.
Every day, Maggie gets to go on a long walk. With the park in my backyard and time on my hands, there is no excuse. I bring a book along to read, and away we go. Sometimes I even get to walk early in the morning, which is something I never did before. The light is all different, and it is so pretty. It is also cooler since we have been suffering through a heat wave.
I have no air conditioning, and neither does Kevin. We have no reason to stay inside when it is hot, so we have still been going on fun hikes. On the hot days, we just pace ourselves. We went to the Ledges at Virginia Kendall this weekend.
Last weekend, we went to the RFC Convention. It was a very unique experience. There were a lot of weird people, but there were even more police. I certainly felt safe! We saw John, Ellen’s boyfriend, there. He was taking pictures. He took the one of us standing in the fountain. We were in dry spot.
The week before, we went downtown to see how it was renovated before the conventioneers destroyed it. So glad that nothing got destroyed, after all.
I am currently riding 6 days a week. I ride with my sister some mornings. (And with Kevin if he joins us.) And I ride with Kevin on the evenings that I feed. It’s been fun, but I wish it wasn’t so hot.
The one that seems the happiest about my retirement seems to be my cat, Thunder. He wants me with him all the time. He certainly is a lot of fun to hang around with.
My garden is starting to take off. I have picked so many green beans, already. I have only picked 2 tomatoes and 1 cucumber, but at least they are starting. My tomatillos are blooming. My shell beans are thriving, and it looks like I will have loads of lima beans.
I sleep in, sometimes, until past 7:30. Even better, I get to nap in the afternoon. It is much nicer to sleep in my favorite chair than at work with my head on my desk during lunch hour.
My house is way cleaner, but I still need to do so much more. It is amazing how much dust there was.
And last but not least, Kevin and I are learning to identify the various different kinds of dragonflies,